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Read the latest insights from Cheryl Cran on the future of all things, the future of work, being a better human, leadership stories and solutions, worker success strategies, and more.

Recent posts

Freelancers Will Own The Future of Work

When it comes to the future- freelancers will own the future of work. The rise of technology has enabled more people to create their life around their work. A ‘life-first’ attitude is prevalent among millennials and this is quickly impacting all generations as human beings seek to have a fulfilled life, not a ‘work-filled life’. […]

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Why millennials and Gen Z would rather work for themselves than you

Want to know why millennials and Gen Z would rather work for themselves than you? If you have been challenged by millennial employees, then get ready for them plus Gen Z ! Gen Zs are those born between 1995 and 2010 and they will represent 25pc of the US population by the year 2020. With […]

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The #1 Skill Leaders Need To Thrive in 2019

Want to know the #1 skill leaders need to thrive in 2019? The future of work waits for no one and leaders must be constantly upgrading his or her leadership skills. A recent PWC report states that leaders must be able to lead in this mobility era. The mobility era is one of global workers, […]

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Did you know?

88% of Workers Believe AI Will Improve Their Lives

29% of Workers Say Their Managers Are Good at Human Leadership

34% of Workers Are Engaged in the Hybrid Workplace

2030 Workplace Will Require Emotionally Intelligent & Culturally Astute Leaders


Practical, inspirational and tactical - Cheryl delivers!

Empathetic yet able to hold people accountable in an inspirational way - Cheryl is fantastic.

Cheryl’s predictions on human behavior and the future workplace have been spot on!

Leadership Retreats

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  • Breakthrough any biases, perspectives and limiting beliefs to radically transform your leadership success
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