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Cheryl Cran’s keynotes inspire and empower

There’s a reason companies like Amazon, Upwork, Salesforce, Cisco and others have engaged Cheryl Cran to deliver vibrant, interactive keynotes that inspire and empower audiences. She is widely recognized for her unique ability to provide context and solutions for a fast-changing present and future.

Whether virtual, in-person or pre-recorded, Cheryl’s keynotes share high production value and a focus on transforming linear thinking to creative thinking and driving innovation. Her prep work includes gathering audience data that she integrates into an actionable presentation customized to meet the requirements of each organization.

Cheryl’s keynote approach is that she sees herself as a ‘facilitator of intelligence’ – she brings extensive research and thought leadership AND she values the insights and input from her high intelligence audience members.

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The Future is Human - How Being A Better Human Is Key To The Future of Work

Research and insights on how even with AI and machine learning the need for skilled humans is only going to increase.

Learn more

"Cheryl you clearly demonstrate 'being human' while inspiring and creating mutual accountability for results"

"Cheryl your keynotes inspire, inform and shift thinking in a very big way - thank you for transforming me and my teams perspectives:

Chief Executive Officer
CREW Network Foundation

The Future of Leadership

What are the attributes, what are the mindsets and what are the secrets to being a change leader driving towards the future of work.

Learn more

Thank you for your inspirational talk! -M. Miller

I loved your keynote! -A. Rocks

Cheryl…loving this! Incredible way to kick off Day 2 – Your Keynote was fantastic!

I enjoyed your interactive keynote! You are a rock star!

Thank you for helping me see “share” as a superpower!

You are amazing! Thank you for your wisdom!

Cheryl thanks for bringing us your amazing energy! -D. Gunther

Thank you so much! You inspired our whole team – we are here with 3 brand new agents and you left a huge impression!

You were amazing I am bummed my business partner wasn’t here to hear it! -B. Hopkins

Amazing keynote – resonates on so many levels and re-energizes – Thank you

OMG this entire keynote was designed for me! That was awesome thank you.

Text reviews from a keynote audience of 1100

SideXSide Conference

The Future of Work Is Now – Are You Ready?

What will leaders and their teams have to do to thrive today and beyond to the year 2030?

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“If you are looking for a workforce expert to speak at your next meeting, look no further! Cheryl Cran is wonderful to work with and provides an energetic and inspirational session your teams won’t want to miss!”

-A. Moorman, VP of Operations
Dental Trade Alliance

Leaders and Teams - Laughter Yoga (Laughing Activities with Breathwork) For Ultimate Health and Wellbeing

In addition to Cheryl's business and leadership credentials she is a Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher and shares laughter yoga message as a keynote - audiences experience laughter exercises along with breathwork to learn how to ease stress and increase wellbeing when going through ongoing change.

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"Cheryl's ability to infuse and invoke laughter is contagious! She creates this really safe and fun environment where laughter is cathartic, endorphin producing and transformative!" C Riley

Leading Hybrid Teams In A Fast Changing Workplace

89% of workers surveyed have stated that they want to work remotely at least two days a week. We are in a new reality where workers expect increased flexibility and increased life/work balance. Leaders need to upskill their mindset, perspectives and strategies to inspire their hybrid teams

Learn more

“Cheryl was the keynote speaker at our annual summit in Toronto and shared her thoughts on “The Future of Work” with our leaders. After a tumultuous year of unprecedented challenges with labour, inflation and the changing work environment, Cheryl’s insights and perspectives were both reassuring that we’re not alone and eye-opening in terms of how to tackle issues that aren’t going away anytime soon. Her ability to connect with the audience and make stories relatable and actionable was terrific. Cheryl’s keynote set the stage for two days of learning and inspiration for our leaders on how to embrace the future with confidence, resilience and conviction that we can win in business and in the hearts and minds of our associates.”

L.Wills VP People & Corporate Affairs/span>
Bimbo Canada

How To Attract and Retain Top Talent In a Hybrid Workers Market

95% of companies surveyed cite the rise in competition among companies to find and keep good people. The hybrid workplace reality means workers have more options than ever before as to where they will work and how they will work. 54% of workers are currently seeking other opportunities and that's because more workers are seeking to find work that lines up with their personal life circumstances. People don't leave their work they leave leaders who do not inspire, support or coach.

Learn more

Our group rated Cheryl 10 out of 10 as our keynote speaker. She was our highest rated keynote speaker at our conference. She exceeded our expectations!

CEO National Agra Marketing

What to expect before the keynote

  • In depth customization call with Cheryl focused on your goals for the event and expected outcomes, Cheryl will share post keynote tools and inclusions to ensure the keynote message ‘sticks’.
  • A logistics discussion about platform being used for virtual or AV planning for in person events
  • Cheryl will recommend a customized keynote title and content for your event that is aligned with your theme and event goals
  • Cheryl sends a custom write up for your planning team to review to ensure it aligns with discussion in the customization call
  • In addition to the custom write up, Cheryl will send a two-minute welcome video along with an anonymous privacy protected three-question quick survey for audience members to complete prior to the keynote
  • An AV rehearsal call is scheduled to walk through the staging process (in studio for virtual)
  • Cheryl develops the keynote including data gathered from the audience survey, research and trends data and other materials provided such as mission/vision/values – key elements from other presenters to ensure content of the overall event is aligned throughout the keynote messaging.
  • Cheryl will text you when she arrives for in person event and for virtual, she will text you to ensure you can connect during the virtual keynote
  • It’s show time!

During the keynote

  • Cheryl arrives early to ensure smooth set up – for virtual events she logs on one hour prior to start and for in person she does an AV tech check either the night before the event or 90 minutes before the start time at the event.
  • Cheryl brings her own laptop with presentation loaded and all adaptors
  • Cheryl connects with the event contact to ensure everything is all set up and good to go
  • When onstage Cheryl invites the audience to interact via text messaging and interactive polling.
  • Her in person keynotes have music, videos, and movie clips Her virtual keynotes have polling/texting
  • Cheryl ends her keynote with high inspiration and call to action items that can be applied immediately after the event by attendees for greater success

After the Keynote

  • Cheryl meets and greets audience members, and/or signs books
  • To ensure post keynote impact Cheryl provides access to one of her online courses for audience members to access post keynote
  • Books are available for purchase to provide to audience members as a post keynote learning tool
  • Cheryl will share the anonymous survey data overview from the audience surveys with organizing team
  • Virtual events and videoed in person events are included and event planners can store the recordings for up to 30 days in a private password protected intranet.

Customize your keynote

For more information on how Cheryl’s customization process and her before, during and after the keynote details – connect with us now.

Did you know?

88% of Workers Believe AI Will Improve Their Lives

29% of Workers Say Their Managers Are Good at Human Leadership

34% of Workers Are Engaged in the Hybrid Workplace

2030 Workplace Will Require Emotionally Intelligent & Culturally Astute Leaders


Practical, inspirational and tactical - Cheryl delivers!

Empathetic yet able to hold people accountable in an inspirational way - Cheryl is fantastic.

Cheryl’s predictions on human behavior and the future workplace have been spot on!

Leadership Retreats

Are you a CEO, senior leader, a newly promoted senior leader or an entrepreneur?

Gain the ‘human’ advantage attend a Super.Crucial. Leader retreat where you will:

  • Breakthrough any biases, perspectives and limiting beliefs to radically transform your leadership success
  • Learn tactics and hacks to increase your energy, your bandwidth and your outputs
  • Reinvent your leadership ‘brand’ by getting crystal clear on your unique leadership ‘gifts’

Cheryl’s newsletter

The latest insights on the future of all things delivered straight to your inbox.

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