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NextMapping™ Infographics

At NextMapping™ we believe in research – we also believe in providing research in an easily digestible format.

Our infographics are ‘dashboards’ on future of all things topics.


Infographic – 3 Ways to Create an Engaged Hybrid Culture

One of the biggest challenges that leaders are having with a hybrid workplace is how to create an engaged culture.

The solutions include consistent communication, regular touchpoints and to leverage technology.
Culture is not reliant on a ‘location’ it is how people behave within an environment.

The opportunity in hybrid is to reiterate culture and communicate it to fit into the hybrid workplace.

This infographic provides 3 ways to create an engaged hybrid culture.

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Infographic – 4 Tips For Successful Hybrid Meetings

A major challenge of working in the hybrid workplace is the increase of meetings – most of them held virtually

Whether your meeting is a hybrid of in office and in person as well as with people joining virtually OR your meeting is completely virtual there are some successful strategies.
Based on our work with our clients we have found these strategies to drastically improve meeting engagement and effectiveness.

This infographic provides 4 tips for successful hybrid meetings.

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NextMapping Infographic - Leading in a Hybrid Workplace

The Future is Here – Leading in a Hybrid Workplace

We are firmly in the ‘now’ of the new world of work – the key is for leaders and teams to see this wave of change as an opportunity.

All of us are being stretched to increase our patience, our empathy and our understanding of each other in the hybrid workplace.

The hybrid workplace is here to stay. Are you and your leaders equipped to succeed in this new reality?

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NextMapping Infographic - How Leaders Can UpSkill and ReSkill

How Leaders Can UpSkill and ReSkill The Workforce To Meet The New Business Needs Of The Future

There is an urgent need for individuals, leaders and workers to identify skills gaps and to build a plan for ‘what’s next’ in building the skills needed to navigate the next normal

These 6 steps to addressing reskilling and upskilling are provided in this infographic.

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NextMapping Infographic - 5 Skills Workers Need to Succeed in the Next Normal of Work

5 Skills Workers Need to Succeed in the ‘Next’ Normal of Work

With the rise of remote work and the future hybrid model of working (remote/in-office) we all need to increase our ‘human’ skills.

This infographic provides insights and the evolutionary skills needed by workers to succeed in the ‘next’ normal of work.

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Infographic The New and Next Normal of Work

The New & ‘Next’ Normal of Work

Post-pandemic life and work reality is going to look very different than how things have been. Are you ready?

This infographic provides both statistics and tools to increase your skills moving forward to our ‘next’ normal of work.

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NextMapping Infographic - How to Maximize Productivity While Working Remotely

How To Maximize Productivity While Working Remotely

One of the biggest challenges for people working remotely is how to stay productive.

We provide 8 tips on how to ensure you can be at your most productive on a daily basis.

This infographic provides both statistics and tools on how to increase your effectiveness working remotely.

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NextMapping The New Normal of Work

The Coronavirus pandemic has proven that work will never be the same.

Workplace culture in the past few weeks has shown that companies CAN succeed with remote workers. Post pandemic it will not be ‘business as usual’ it will be a ’new normal of business’.

This means leaders need to be agile, empathetic and willing to change existing structures to focus on ‘people first’.

This infographic gives statistics on “NextMapping The New Normal of Work.”

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Innovation And The Future of Work & Beyond

94% of executives surveyed have said that innovation is a strategic imperative for 2022 and beyond.

Innovation includes real-time creativity and requires both people and cultural alignment.

In this new infographic find out the ROI of innovation and some companies that are ‘winning’ at innovation.

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Infographic - Why Video is a Must Do Strategy for the Future of Work

Why Video is a ‘Must Do Strategy’ for the Future of Work

Are you and your company leveraging video to recruit and retain your top talent?

Research has shown that video is used by 67% of mobile viewers and Millennials and Gen Z look for videos to find out more about potential employers.

To find our more about why video is a must strategy for the future of work download this new infographic by our team at NextMapping.

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NextMapping™ – Anticipate, Navigate and Create the Future of Work

Chapters 1-8 Infographics from new book, NextMapping™ – Anticipate, Navigate and Create the Future of Work

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Recruiting Millennials and Gen Z’s to the Future Ready Workplace

The competition for talent is going to continue to increase as people have more options for work than ever before.

Companies are now competing with other companies globally to attract and keep talented people. To add to the challenge more Millennials and Gen Z’s are choosing to become an entrepreneur.

How can you be on the leading edge of recruiting Millennials and Gen Z’s?

Check out this infographic with statistics and insights into recruiting for the future of work.

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Employees Embrace Digital Transformation & A.I.

It seems the majority of people are eager for more digital transformation and AI – check out our Infographic to learn more.

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8 Leadership Hacks to Lead Remote Teams

By 2030 50% of teams will be working remotely – whether your company currently has remote teams or not leaders need to have specific strategies in place to engage remote workers.

Remote workers want the benefits of working remotely AND they want to feel included as vital members of the team.

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8 Human Skills Leaders Need to Navigate the Future of Work

The future of work is not a concept, it is real and being created by our decisions and actions today.

Technology innovation is needed to increase people solutions and we all need to be tech-savvy to take advantage of creating the future. However, technology alone is not going to create our optimal future, it’s the people and the focus on people first that is going to completely transform the future.

Check out this infographic on the 8 human skills that leaders need to navigate the future of work.

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Top 10 Changes Every Leader Needs to Make to be Future Ready

Top 10 Changes Every Leader Needs to Make to be Future Ready

Have you ever wondered how some people are able to get an idea and execute on it quickly?

Typically its because that person has developed high levels of ‘change leadership’ – the ability to adapt, learn and take action quickly.

Check out this infographic on the changes that leaders need to make in order to not only be future ready but to be able to ‘create the future’ quickly and effectively.

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Top 10 Leadership Hacks

Most Leadership practices that got us to where we are today won’t get us to where we need to be for The Future of Work.

This Infographic provides applicable Leadership Hacks.
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13 Success Factors of Future Ready Organizations

Companies that have certain structures in place or leadership strategies are on the leading edge of future ready organizations.

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The Future of Work

Download our ‘at a glance’ Future of Work infographic that provides the latest data on what the future of work will look like and gives you a heads up on how you can shape your strategies and approaches as a leader and for your company.

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Shared Leadership: Everyone Is A Leader

Download our  ‘at a glance’ Shared Leadership infographic that provides the latest data on what the shared leadership concept will look like in the future of work.

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Developing Our Future Leaders

Did you know that everyday for the next 19 years 10,000 Baby Boomers will reach age 65 and already today Millennials make up 50% of employees globally?

New Leadership skills are required to meet the expectations of the Millennial and Gen Z’s. Download this Infographic that has valuable information that will help you understand their needs so you can plan successfully for their development!

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The Future of Work Organization

The Future of Work is Now and Organizations MUST be Future Focused to be Successful. Download this revealing infographic to Find out where your Focus is…Past or Future!

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The 5 Lenses of Multiple Perspectives

A key future of work skill is the ability to see from all angles. This means seeing situations through the lens of self/other/industry/client/global – this infographic gives insights into how to build a multiple perspectives ability for the future of work.

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5 Inspiring Companies with Future of Work Leaders

Download this future of work infographic that shares examples of 5 different companies and how the leaders are practicing elements of being future ready now and what we can learn from their approach.

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If Robots Are the Future of Work – What’s Next for Humans?

Did you know?

88% of Workers Believe AI Will Improve Their Lives

29% of Workers Say Their Managers Are Good at Human Leadership

34% of Workers Are Engaged in the Hybrid Workplace

2030 Workplace Will Require Emotionally Intelligent & Culturally Astute Leaders


Practical, inspirational and tactical - Cheryl delivers!

Empathetic yet able to hold people accountable in an inspirational way - Cheryl is fantastic.

Cheryl’s predictions on human behavior and the future workplace have been spot on!

Leadership Retreats

Are you a CEO, senior leader, a newly promoted senior leader or an entrepreneur?

Gain the ‘human’ advantage attend a Super.Crucial. Leader retreat where you will:

  • Breakthrough any biases, perspectives and limiting beliefs to radically transform your leadership success
  • Learn tactics and hacks to increase your energy, your bandwidth and your outputs
  • Reinvent your leadership ‘brand’ by getting crystal clear on your unique leadership ‘gifts’

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