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Read the latest insights from Cheryl Cran on the future of all things, the future of work, being a better human, leadership stories and solutions, worker success strategies, and more.

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Future of Work Needs Leaders Who Can Give Candid Feedback

To get to the fast changing future is going to require a whole lot of willingness to hear things we might not want to hear. Future of work needs leaders who can give candid feedback. I remember in my early banking career I had been through a series of bank robberies and my boss told […]

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8 Leadership Hacks to Lead Remote Teams

Leadership today requires the ability to effectively lead both in office worker teams AND remote teams. This infographic provides eight leadership hacks to lead remote teams. NextMapping-8-Leadership-Hacks-to-Lead-Remote-Teams-Infographic-2018 Want more future of work infographics that provide insights and resources at a glance? Get them here. 

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4 Industries Leveraging Robotics & Automation For Future of Work

Right now, if your business or role involves repetitive tasks it is likely that you have already or will be impacted by robotics and automation. It is irrefutable that we need to expand our perspective to seeing that robots, AI and automation are infiltrating all industries and everyday life. Let’s look at robotics/automation first and […]

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Did you know?

88% of Workers Believe AI Will Improve Their Lives

29% of Workers Say Their Managers Are Good at Human Leadership

34% of Workers Are Engaged in the Hybrid Workplace

2030 Workplace Will Require Emotionally Intelligent & Culturally Astute Leaders


Practical, inspirational and tactical - Cheryl delivers!

Empathetic yet able to hold people accountable in an inspirational way - Cheryl is fantastic.

Cheryl’s predictions on human behavior and the future workplace have been spot on!

Leadership Retreats

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  • Breakthrough any biases, perspectives and limiting beliefs to radically transform your leadership success
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