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Everyone Is a Leader- 3 Ways To Lead Yourself For Better Results

March 20, 2013

Everyone is a leader and even though you may not have leadership position or authority you do have the ability to influence like a leader.
In today’s workplace where everything is moving faster than ever before and tasks and projects are on tight deadlines, everyone needs to have an attitude of ‘taking the lead’.

So what does that look like and why does it matter to you?

You might be thinking that you are not paid to be a leader or that you prefer to work alone and do your own thing. These thoughts limit your ability to contribute at higher levels and to be part of the successful solutions for yourself, the team and the company.

Rather you might ask yourself ‘how’ do you lead yourself in order to get better results. Asking yourself higher thought questions are a sign of leadership attitude and ability. Here are 3 ways to lead yourself for better results:

1. Whether you have the title of CEO, senior leader, mid level leader or manager or no leadership title- the title does not matter as much as how you show up for work overall. Influential people have the ability to stay flexible and positive in their thinking and in their approach. Others respond to people who ‘take the lead’ by setting an example of positive focus, solutions focus and helping the team and the company to succeed. You have heard the saying that you can ‘get more bees with honey’ and right now you might be rolling your eyes at this cliche BUT here’s the thing- it’s true. Influential people think less about ‘what’s in it for me’ and more about, ‘what’s best for everyone including myself?’

2. Being a leader is about being someone who sets examples by actions. You have heard the saying, ‘do what you say’ or ‘walk the talk’, an individual who is highly influential and viewed as a leader is someone who is consistent with what they say they are going to do. A leader does not make up excuses, white lies or throw others under the bus when they have not followed through. Leader like behavior is to be a person of your word, and when you fail to follow through on your word you take ownership, you apologize if appropriate, you do not blame and you take action to get back on course.

3. A leader isn’t afraid to learn what they need to learn. Inspirational leaders set an example of constantly striving to improve, constantly learning, working to be the best they can be as a person and as a co-worker. Influential people who are seen as leaders bring high energy, commitment and enthusiasm that causes others around you to respond positively. A leader does not ‘drain energy’ from people and situations, when they show up they infuse energy that immediately creates a ripple effect of positivity.

So you see EVERYONE IS A LEADER in the way they show up, the way they conduct themselves and the influence that they wield on others. Ask yourself now- are you leading yourself at the highest levels possible?

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