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Top 10 Future of Work Innovators

January 6, 2017

Be future of work ready with the top ten future of work innovators.

Are you scared or excited about the future of work?

The future of work is coming at us all rapidly – robotics, AI and automation are very real and they are here now. The millenials are in full force and are quickly influencing all systems within the workplace. All aspects of the business are being affected by the rapid pace of change and technology is impacting HR processes, operational processes and sales approaches.

There is tremendous opportunity in 2017 to harness the unique abilities of ‘human skills’ as we head to the future of work. Rather than fear an uncertain future its time to focus on ‘doing what it takes’ to create a workplace where people are valued for their emotional awareness and human attributes such as empathy and intuition.

We can focus on a future workplace where we happily leverage the work that robots and technology do for us AND we can leverage our uniquely human capabilities to ‘do good with our work’.

David Cann, CEO of Double Robotics—the company that created the iPad on wheels used by MIT and seen on Modern Family and The Good Wife—says robots aren’t a risk to people’s jobs, but actually increase workers’ ability to get a job wherever they are in the world.

Kevin Maney states that the automated gas pump killed a lot of (bad) jobs and created many new jobs for more skilled workers.

My research has revealed that the future workplace requires a multi-skilled workforce. The skills required in addition to technical skills are next level people skills such as foundational leadership skills for everyone, intuitive communication skills, and highly developed emotional awareness.

Want to know more about the future of work? Check out this list of my top ten future of work innovators:

1. Faith Popcorn – CEO of Brain Reserve

2. Ray Kurzweil – Author “The Age of Spiritual Machines”

3. Jason Silva – Futurist and filmmaker

4. Jacob Morgan – Co – Founder Future of Work Community

5. Jim Carroll – Futurist, Trends and Innovation

6. Daniel Burrus – Futurist on Global Trends and Innovation

7. Lisa Bodell – CEO of Futurethink

8. Andy Jankowski – Executive Director Cognitive Transformation at IBM

9. David Houle – Futurist and Author of “The Shift Age”

10. Graeme Codrington – Co- Founder Tomorrow Today Global

The future is not to be feared it is to be welcomed and the only thing to be afraid of is not being ready!

The experts listed in this article are visionaries and strategists that can help you to be future ready now.


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