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What’s New? Cheryl Cran’s Leadership Books Available in India

April 17, 2014


I am excited to announce that two of my books that are available in E-Book format “Leadership Mastery in the Digital Age” and “101 Ways to Make Generations X, Y and Zoomers Happy at Work” are now being distributed in India to up to 10 million English speaking readers through FlipKart.

These books are also available through the following E-Book retailers:

For more information on the newest book, “Leadership Mastery in the Digital Age” click here

Product Description

As a leader the need for enhanced skills is increasing, the future leader is a collaborative leader and the old style of command and control leadership just doesn’t cut it anymore. Current leaders need to be flexible and adaptable and leaders of change.
In this book strategies are provided on how to increase all areas of leadership skill such as communication, conflict management, dealing with remote teams, increasing technological aptitude and more.
A master leader today is someone who engages all of the generations, who can inspire performance through the ability to coach, mentor and grow team members. A master leader also takes full accountability for their teams performance and works to focus on the strengths of the individuals on the team.
The book contains a leadership assessment as well as tools on how to adapt your leadership to the personalities on your team.
It also contains a peek into the future workplace and the style of leadership needed for the future workplace.

For more information on the best selling book, “101 Ways to Make Generations X, Y and Zoomers Happy at Work” click here

Product Description

Imagine the year 2020 What will business look like? How will business change due to the generational impact? In this book consultant and author Cheryl Cran, CSP provides 101 ways for leaders and business owners to increase employee engagement and job satisfaction. Research shows that Gen X and Y are poised to look for employment elsewhere if they are not happy at work. Quick and easy to read and lots of valuable tips.

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