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Who Are You When Things Go Awry?

May 13, 2014


I am writing this as I sit on the tarmac waiting for the plane to get back in the air and head to our destination. Originally we were headed to Dallas where I am working with a major telecommunications client for the week. We got diverted to Oklahoma City due to weather and here we sit.


I have been traveling for work for over twenty years- many people ask me how I do it, how do I manage the time zone differences and how do I handle the stress of travel?


Truthfully over the years I have developed the skill of ‘letting go of control’ of things that I have absolutely no control over!


So here I sit writing the blog post and I just wrote two new articles- while listening songs in my Itunes suite. Right now its ‘our lips are sealed’.


I would love to tell you that I am being completely zen but the truth is the first reaction is the same as everyone else- which is ‘oh _______” now I will be delayed for my client”.


Quickly though I shift to more optimal thinking which is:


I would rather be safe than worry about being delayed, which is a minor inconvenience in comparison

I can use this time to get some of my writing done that I had scheduled to do today

I texted my client and my speakers bureau to communicate what was happening

I texted my husband to tell him what was up and quickly talked to him in an upbeat and ‘oh well’ this is the life of a traveller tone


I remember years ago when I started my first business I worked with my first business coach named Michael Walsh and he said something that has stuck with me, which was, “who are you when things go awry?”


It was a great question and it has guided me for all these years- its easy to be congenial and happy when all is well, but who are ‘we’ when things go you know- sideways?


Who I want to be when things go awry is calm, graceful, and affable, a bring light to others, and choose not to fuel the agitation that others may bring to the table.


Of course it has helped over the years to learn to meditate, deep breathe, do yoga, do regular network care (a cool form of chiropractic) and of course get older!

By the way arrived at the Dallas airport about four hours later than planned, met with my client to do my sound check and it all worked out.







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