Read the latest insights from Cheryl Cran on the future of all things, the future of work, being a better human, leadership stories and solutions, worker success strategies, and more.
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Hybrid Workplace Video
Hybrid workplace is here to stay and here is our newest hybrid workplace video. When talking about hybrid workplace it is definitely not a one size fits all. There is not single way for an organization to do hybrid. Some companies are setting up hybrid where all employees must be in the office one or […]
If there is one thing on workers minds – especially leaders it is how to ease anxiety in a hybrid workplace. Most companies planning a back to work structure for their workers beginning in October 2021. The hybrid model we are seeing as being most common right now is a ‘flexible workplace’ approach. The flexible […]
Survey Says! What Workers Want When They Return To The Office
At NextMapping we sent out a survey June 2021 to our newsletter subscribers asking them what they felt about the hybrid workplace and what they want when they return to the office. The survey was sent out prior to the latest increase of the COVID Delta variant and when many businesses were planning to go […]