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Future of Work – 3 Types of People Needed Today

December 8, 2014

futureofworkThe future of work is here with us now.

What does it take for leaders and teams to be ready and to have the skills needed to match the speed of change and the speed of technology?

It takes a new operating system and specifically a new leadership operating system. Leaders and teams need to rewire the brain and to apply new evolutionary ways of thinking and doing things in order to morph to the fast changing business reality.



What kind of people do businesses of the future need today?

1. People who have a new upgraded operating system. This means new programs and the installation of a new way of thinking in a more creative and non linear way. The brain needs to be able to process multiple realities at once and also to have multiple intelligences that include the ability to adapt to people and situations in a new and flexible way.

2. People who have multiple intelligences. Multiple intelligences includes being able to adapt to different personalities, different genders, different generations, different cultures, different business approaches and more. To the level that leaders and the teams can build the multiple intelligences is the level of being agile, innovative and able to respond quickly to market and business change.

3. People who value technology as a tool not as the definitive solution. The future of work will have increased technological innovation and this provides an opportunity for businesses to focus on building a workplace that is focused on ‘making the world a better place’ through the people. This also means letting technology do the repetitive non meaningful work and leverage the meaningful  work done by people.

The future of work will have more open platforms, more open source and more shared solutions and this requires people who are what I call ‘uber adaptors’ to the fast pace of change and technological innovation.

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