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Leading Change In a Fast Paced Workplace Is About Mindset

June 25, 2014

mindsetIn my work as an evolutionary leadership and change expert I work with leaders ranging from new leaders to senior executive leaders and the one key factor that stands out with master leaders of change is: mindset.

I am not talking about positive attitude here I am talking about an ‘evolved’ mindset that integrates intellectual intelligence with emotional intelligence with psychological intelligence.

In today’s fast paced reality and with the ongoing innovation in technology we as humans must be ‘rewiring’ our hardware and that means focusing our mindset on being open, flexible and creative.


Recently I worked with 6300 leaders of AT&T in a series of events and as any organization working towards a 2020 vision of enhanced customer service, increased agility and competitive advantage the one common solution is through the people. In all of the organizations I have worked for as a consultant I have helped companies transform by transforming the way leaders lead and that includes helping the leaders develop an integrated mindset that is focusing on leading change.

How do we shift our mindset? By first recognizing the dominant intelligence that we rely on and then focusing on integrating the other types of intelligence into our leadership. For example if you are highly intellectual it would be of great benefit to learn more about leveraging emotional intelligence. If you rely on emotional intelligence alone you will lack credibility if you do not develop your intellectual and on the job skills. Being a leader today requires the willingness to grow and to help others grow which is where psychological intelligence comes into play.

Take a look at this recent video clip where I talk about mindset:


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