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What Does Authentic Leadership Really Mean For the Future of Work?

What Does Authentic Leadership Really Mean For the Future of Work?

What does it mean to be an authentic leader? How do we know when we are being one? What is the impact on our people and the business overall? A November 2014 survey by Interaction Associates revealed that of those surveyed over half gave their leaders low marks on trust and effective leadership. Why? Well […]

Real Time Creative Solutions Needed to Lead with 2020 Vision

If there is one skill that is needed for leaders today as we head to 2020 it is the ability to come up with real time creative solutions. I am talking about in the moment solutions that come from a place  of, ‘how can we make this work?’ rather than habitual habits of the brain […]

The Workplace Impact With New Technologies Like the Apple Watch

The future of work will be a workplace where workers are remote, project teams are created to work on a project and then dismantled for another project and technology will be unifier. The skills workers of the future will need will be adaptability, flexibility, increased desire to provide customized solutions for each other and for […]