3 Ways Leaders Need to Detonate to Innovate
Some of the most innovative breakthroughs have come about as a result of chaos and destruction. Wait, before you tune out and think this article is about doom and gloom think again.
Some of the most innovative breakthroughs have come about as a result of chaos and destruction. Wait, before you tune out and think this article is about doom and gloom think again.
Employee engagement is a challenge especially when you’re an international company with 28,000+ employees. When Marsh, a leader in insurance broking and risk management, faced low scores in career growth and development, executive leadership knew something needed to be done.
A lady I will call Sue just acquired a team from Mexico on her already virtual team. She is in the tech industry and her team consists of people in the US, Canada, and now Mexico. Sue has been a leader for many years but the shift to remote team management was in the past […]