Boasting, bragging, pontificating, narcissistic, and non inclusive – this is a list of what NOT to be as a leader. We are being given a great gift right now of being able to see through media the behaviors of leaders in a race – a race for one of the most important jobs in the […]
U.S. employers are finding it increasingly difficult to find skilled workers, according to a survey by the National Association for Business Economics 35 percent of the 112 economists who participated reported their firms had seen shortages of skilled labor. The future workforce is predicted to continue to struggle with finding the right talent with the […]
A survey by Deloitte confirms the barriers to change that I have researched with my clients and also the research I conducted for my book The Art of Change Leadership – Driving Transformation In a Fast Paced World. The top barriers are outlined in the image above: The number one barrier is resistance from managers/leaders […]