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The Results Your Team Produces Are a Reflection of YOU as a Leader

The Results Your Team Produces Are a Reflection of YOU as a Leader

Can you remember when you worked for a leader who inspired you to grow, learn and work harder?  Tune in and remember what energy that leader had/has- what would you say that leaders ‘energy signature’ was?  For example Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook  energy brand is feminine leadership and how women can lead effectively with […]

3 Transformational Skills Needed by Evolutionary Leaders

The ongoing rapid change we are all experiencing is causing a new kind of chaos in organizations. It’s a chaos that can be viewed as disruptive and perhaps even destructive.  Or is it? In reality the speed of change and innovation in areas of technology and process is forcing a new kind of human adaptation. […]

Technology Is it Friend or Foe?

                  Is technology changing the world for the better? for worse? It depends on the ‘lens’ you view it through- if you are a believer that technology is changing the world for the better than you will embrace new technology, you embrace the openness that technology and […]