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The Workplace Impact With New Technologies Like the Apple Watch

The Workplace Impact With New Technologies Like the Apple Watch

The future of work will be a workplace where workers are remote, project teams are created to work on a project and then dismantled for another project and technology will be unifier. The skills workers of the future will need will be adaptability, flexibility, increased desire to provide customized solutions for each other and for […]

An Evolutionary Approach to Strategic Planning

This is the time of year where many organizations re-look at the strategic plan and where the company and teams will focus their energy for the next 30/90/180 days. Gone are the days of a five year strategic plan, with the speed of change a strategy lasts only as long as the next technological advance […]

The Language of an Evolutionary Leader

The Ages of Humanity have moved across the spectrum to where we are now which is the age of conscious evolution. What does this mean? It means that we now ‘choose to evolve’ in a way that supports humanity and moves the planet towards greater access for all to abundance, peace and a joyful life. […]